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Give customers visibility

Give customers visibility

16 Apr 2020

Looking for ways to save time, plus get more visibility as we face the new challenges every day? Looking to protect your customers and drivers through practicing new social distance procedures but still provide excellent customer service of daily deliveries:
• How much time are you spending on the many daily task / routines managing deliveries and are they manual? Do you source data from multiple programs and then consolidate for easier reporting?
• Are you giving visibility to your customers, managers and drivers of daily deliveries? How often is your team spending on the phone or email updating customers on their deliveries?
• Are you ahead of problems when they arise or are you stuck playing defense? When do you find out about delivery errors, next day, week or maybe you never know until a customer leaves?

Maybe you are looking for something new or would like to improve what you have already. TransLytix is waiting to share what we have with many others, contact us to see how we might be able to add value to your team. The best part, we can have most clients up and running within a week.
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